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About this school
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Academic A-
Activities B
Review B
Our exceptional faculty and academically talented, high-achieving students constitute a school dedicated to scholarship, character, and community. Founded in 1900, Asheville encourages intellectual rigor, clear communication, and sound study habits. The acclaimed outdoor program utilizes our stunning location for climbing, kayaking, and mountain-biking. We offer numerous interscholastic sports, an equestrian program, and outstanding options in the fine arts. Dorm rooms are wired for Internet access, with wireless Internet access available in the library and student center.
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Asheville School | FindingSchool
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Chỉ số của trường đang xem

Nội trú 9-12
289 students
18% internal student
16 AP Courses
SAT 1860/2400
73% advanced degree
1:4 teacher/students
Ranking College Students
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Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2019 2018 2017 2016 2011-2015 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 11 19 18 24 26
American University 1 以上 1
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1 1
Pepperdine University 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
University of California: Los Angeles 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
University of Miami 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
Boston College 1 1 以上 2
College of William and Mary 1 1 2
Penn State University Park 1 1
Tulane University 1 1
University of California: San Diego 1 1
University of Florida 1 1
University of Rochester 1 1
Northeastern University 1 以上fs.matriculate 2 3
University of Texas at Austin 1 1
University of Wisconsin-Madison 1 1
Dartmouth College 1 1
Georgetown University 1 以上 1
Harvard College 1 1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 1
Stanford University 1 1
University of Georgia 1 以上 1
University of Virginia 1 以上 1
Vanderbilt University 1 以上 1
Northwestern University 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 2
Lehigh University 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
Clemson University 1 以上 1 以上 2
Duke University 1 以上 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 以上 3
Columbia University 1 以上 1 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 1 以上 5
George Washington University 1 以上 1 以上 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 1 以上 5
Georgia Institute of Technology 1 以上 1 1 3
Tufts University 1 以上 1 2
University of California: Davis 1 以上 1
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1 以上 1 以上 1 以上fs.matriculate 5 8
Wake Forest University 1 以上 1 以上 1 以上 3
Washington University in St. Louis 1 以上 1 以上 1 3
Yale University 1 以上 1 1 3
Cornell University 1 1 以上 2
Johns Hopkins University 1 1
Emory University 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 1 以上 3
New York University 1 以上 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 以上 3
Purdue University 1 1
Southern Methodist University 1 1 以上fs.matriculate 2
Texas A&M University 1 1 2
Texas Christian University 1 1 以上fs.matriculate 2
University of Chicago 1 以上 1 2
University of Colorado Boulder 1 以上 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 3
University of Pennsylvania 1 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 以上 3
University of Southern California 1 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 1 4
Boston University 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 以上 2
Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2019 2018 2017 2016 2011-2015 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 2 2 6 4 13
Davidson College 1 以上 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 3
Barnard College 1 1
University of Richmond 1 以上 1
Smith College 1 1
Middlebury College 1 以上 1
Harvey Mudd College 1 以上 1
Colorado College 1 以上 1
Centre College 1 以上 1
Carleton College 1 1
Bowdoin College 1 1
Amherst College 1 以上 1
The University of the South 1 以上 1
Macalester College 1 1
Grinnell College 1 1 2
Williams College 1 以上fs.matriculate 1 2
Wellesley College 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
Washington and Lee University 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
Oberlin College 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
Bucknell University 1 以上fs.matriculate 1
Trinity College 1 1
Bates College 1 以上 1 1 以上 3
Chương trình AP
( 16)
Xem tất cả
( 11)
Xem tất cả
( 23)
Handbell Choir
Ice Climbing
International Club
Handbell Choir
Ice Climbing
International Club
Mitchell Cabinet (Service Club)
Mountain Biking
Peer Tutoring
Prefects (Senior Student Leaders)
Proctors (Junior Student Leaders)
Rock Climbing
Service Projects
Students for Environmental Awareness
The Blue and White (Yearbook)
The Review (Literary Magazine)
Christian Fellowship Club
Fine Arts Club
Hiking Club
Hoste Society (Tour Guides)
The Ashnoca (Student Newspaper)
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Thông tin liên hệ

Dân số người Mỹ gốc Việt (2022) 0
Chi phí sinh hoạt Cao hơn mức trung bình 0%