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About this school
Graduate A+
Academic A+
Activities A
Review B
Harvard-Westlake is a school whose curriculum and programs create an educational environment designed for students who possess both the motivation and the ability to pursue a rigorous college preparatory course of study. The school strives to provide an education that enables and empowers its diverse students to develop their intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical gifts; to understand and respect the similarities and differences among themselves and others in their local and world communities; and to learn the habits of mind and self-discipline necessary to live with integrity and purpose as contributing members of society.
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Ngoại trú 7-12
1593 students
29 AP Courses
SAT 2100/2400
74% advanced degree
1:7 teacher/students
Ranking College Students
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Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2018 2017 2012-2016 2011-2015 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 194 218 1028 1058
Boston College 2 3 19 26 以上 50
American University 1 2 3 以上 6
University of California: San Diego 2 4 6
University of California: Irvine 1 1 2
University of California: Davis 1 2 3
George Washington University 5 2 5 以上 12
Case Western Reserve University 1 8 10 以上 19
California Institute of Technology 3 2 2 以上 7
Yale University 3 3 29 37 以上 72
University of Denver 1 1 1 以上 3
Washington University in St. Louis 9 10 53 59 以上 131
Vanderbilt University 4 3 20 25 以上 52
University of Wisconsin-Madison 2 5 7 14
University of Washington 1 1 2 3 以上 7
University of Virginia 2 2 3 4 以上 11
University of Texas at Austin 3 3 2 8
University of Southern California 13 20 99 134 以上 266
University of Connecticut 1 1
Fordham University 2 3 以上 5
University of Notre Dame 1 1 7 8 以上 17
University of Maryland: College Park 4 4
Baylor University 1 以上 1
Wake Forest University 2 2 以上 4
University of Vermont 1 1
University of Rochester 2 3 以上 5
University of Pittsburgh 1 1 以上 2
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1 1
University of Massachusetts Amherst 1 1
University of Iowa 1 1 以上 2
Georgia Institute of Technology 1 1 以上 2
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3 3
University of Delaware 1 1 以上 2
Texas Christian University 1 1
Texas A&M University 1 1
SUNY University at Binghamton 1 1
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 2 以上 3
Purdue University 1 1
University of Pennsylvania 10 11 39 59 以上 119
University of Michigan 9 16 81 106
Boston University 4 2 18 22 以上 46
Emory University 4 3 28 32 以上 67
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3 2 6 11 以上 22
Loyola University Chicago 1 1
Johns Hopkins University 3 3 27 24 以上 57
Indiana University Bloomington 5 5 10
Harvard College 10 7 43 42 以上 102
Georgetown University 5 6 16 18 以上 45
Duke University 2 4 22 以上 28
New York University 14 18 84 89 以上 205
Dartmouth College 3 2 12 14 以上 31
Cornell University 7 5 45 59 以上 116
Columbia University 7 5 41 58 以上 111
College of William and Mary 1 1
Carnegie Mellon University 2 2 14 15 以上 33
Brown University 4 3 37 44 以上 88
Brigham Young University 1 1
Miami University: Oxford 1 1
Northeastern University 1 11 8 10 以上 30
University of Miami 2 6 8 以上 16
University of Alabama 2 2
University of Georgia 1 1
University of Colorado Boulder 2 2 7 11
University of Chicago 8 9 42 40 以上 99
University of California: Santa Cruz 1 3 4
University of California: Santa Barbara 1 2 7 10
University of California: Los Angeles 3 4 17 24
University of California: Berkeley 5 10 38 53
Tulane University 7 8 15 16 以上 46
Northwestern University 8 15 以上 23
Tufts University 2 1 18 17 以上 38
Syracuse University 2 5 6 以上 13
Stevens Institute of Technology 1 1
Stanford University 3 9 51 62 以上 125
Southern Methodist University 5 2 6 以上 13
Rice University 1 4 5 以上 10
Princeton University 3 4 23 30 以上 60
Brandeis University 2 以上 2
Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2018 2017 2012-2016 2011-2015 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 43 33 185 200
Amherst College 4 6 7 9 以上 26
Davidson College 5 5 以上 10
Bates College 1 2 3
Colby College 1 3 2 以上 6
Macalester College 1 1
Bryn Mawr College 1 2 以上 3
Bucknell University 7 9 以上 16
Carleton College 8 9 以上 17
Colorado College 12 12
Dickinson College 1 1 以上 2
Williams College 1 4 11 12 以上 28
Gettysburg College 3 2 以上 5
Hamilton College 3 6 以上 9
The University of the South 1 1
Trinity College 2 2 以上 4
United States Naval Academy 2 2
Haverford College 1 以上 1
Lafayette College 2 以上 2
Bard College 2 6 7 以上 15
Wesleyan University 1 2 22 30 以上 55
Barnard College 5 18 23
Occidental College 1 1 1 以上 3
Bowdoin College 2 5 8 以上 15
Colgate University 6 7 9 8 以上 30
Connecticut College 1 2 2 以上 5
Grinnell College 1 1
Harvey Mudd College 1 1
Kenyon College 4 4 24 21 以上 53
Middlebury College 1 2 6 6 以上 15
Pitzer College 2 5 4 以上 11
Wellesley College 1 7 7 以上 15
Pomona College 2 4 5 以上 11
Scripps College 2 1 3
Skidmore College 1 1 2 5 以上 9
Swarthmore College 3 5 6 以上 14
Union College 1 1
United States Military Academy 1 2 3
University of Richmond 1 5 以上 6
Vassar College 1 9 以上 10
Oberlin College 14 以上 14
Chương trình AP
( 30)
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( 16)
( 29)
Wind Symphony
Music Theory
Tech Theater
Costume Design
2D Design
3D Design
Graphic Design
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( 81)
Thông tin liên hệ

Dân số người Mỹ gốc Việt (2022) 0
Chi phí sinh hoạt Cao hơn mức trung bình 0%