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About this school
Graduate B
Academic B+
Activities B+
Review B
Salisbury School sits on a beautiful hilltop in northwestern Connecticut approximately two hours from the heart of New York City. A Salisbury education combines academic rigor and support. Our 17 AP classes and the long-established Rudd Learning Center are good examples of our commitment to and understanding of educating boys and their learning styles. The unique Residential Life Program builds community pride and unity through shared experience and service. The new academic (Centennial Humanities Building, Wachtmeister Mathematics and Science Building) and athletic facilities (Flood Athletic Center)are second-to-none for a school our size. Each Salisbury boy gains the enthusiasm for learning and self-confidence needed for intellectual, spiritual, physical and moral development. Meeting one's potential is the hallmark of a Salisbury education. In a single-gender classroom, faculty know, understand and celebrate what it means to be a boy!
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Salisbury School | FindingSchool
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Nội trú 9-12
310 students
19% internal student
16 AP Courses
SAT 1810/2400
60% advanced degree
1:5 teacher/students
Ranking College Students
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Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2017 2015 2007-2013 2012 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 16 16 54 9
Clark University 1 以上fs.admission 1 2
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 1
College of William and Mary 1 1
Drexel University 4 4
Duke University 1 1
Emory University 1 1
Georgia Institute of Technology 1 1
Lehigh University 2 2
Michigan State University 2 2
Syracuse University 4 4
Case Western Reserve University 2 2
Tulane University 1 1
University of Alabama 1 1
University of Connecticut 3 3
University of Miami 1 1
University of Pennsylvania 2 2
University of Southern California 1 1
University of Virginia 1 1
Brown University 1 1
Clemson University 1 1
Carnegie Mellon University 1 1
Cornell University 1 以上fs.admission 2 2 5
Tufts University 1 以上fs.admission 1 1 3
Fordham University 1 以上fs.admission 1 1 3
George Washington University 1 以上fs.admission 1 6 8
Harvard College 1 以上fs.admission 2 1 4
New York University 1 以上fs.admission 1 1 3
Northeastern University 1 以上fs.admission 1 4 6
Purdue University 1 以上fs.admission 1
Southern Methodist University 1 以上fs.admission 1 5 7
Texas Christian University 1 以上fs.admission 1
University of California: Berkeley 1 以上fs.admission 1
Brandeis University 1 1
University of Colorado Boulder 1 以上fs.admission 1
University of Georgia 1 以上fs.admission 1 2
University of Massachusetts Amherst 1 以上fs.admission 1
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1 以上fs.admission 1 2
University of Rochester 1 1 2
University of Vermont 1 4 5
Washington University in St. Louis 1 1
Boston University 3 3
Columbia University 1 1
Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2017 2015 2007-2013 2012 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 9 10 11 12
Amherst College 1 以上fs.admission 1 2
Bates College 1 以上fs.admission 2 3
Colby College 1 以上fs.admission 1 2
Colgate University 1 以上fs.admission 1
Dickinson College 1 以上fs.admission 3 4 8
Gettysburg College 1 以上fs.admission 1 3 5
Kenyon College 1 以上fs.admission 1 2
The University of the South 1 以上fs.admission 1
Trinity College 1 以上fs.admission 3 4
University of Richmond 1 1 2
College of the Holy Cross 1 1
Lafayette College 1 1
Middlebury College 1 1
United States Naval Academy 5 5
Skidmore College 2 2
Union College 2 2
Chương trình AP
( 16)
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( 14)
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( 26)
( 26)
Christian Fellowship
Crop Walk
Dormitory Prefects
Dramatic Society
Christian Fellowship
Crop Walk
Dormitory Prefects
Dramatic Society
Film Making
Fly Fishing
Food Committee
Gospel Choir
Honor Committee
Improv Group
Inventors Club
Jazz Band
Key Society
Math Club
Quiz Bowl
Radio Station
Science Club
Spring Softball League
Student Activities Committee
Student Council
Student Newspaper
Tour de Sol Club
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