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The Quarry Lane School is known for academic excellence. It strives to provide every student with an educational program that establishes high achievement levels. Intellectual curiosity, creativity and physical well-being are emphasized along with developing character and leadership skills. Quarry Lane School offers three distinct Academic Tracks: College Prep., International Baccalaureate High School Diploma Programme and the Science, Engineering and Technology Track
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Ngoại trú K-12
1031 students
17 AP Courses
75% advanced degree
1:12 teacher/students
Ranking College Students
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Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2017-2018 2014-2017 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 71 58
Baylor University 2 2
Stevens Institute of Technology 1 以上 1
University of Chicago 2 1 以上 3
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2 1 以上 3
University of Michigan 1 1 以上 2
University of Notre Dame 1 1
University of Pennsylvania 1 1
University of Pittsburgh 1 1 以上 2
University of Southern California 2 1 以上 3
University of Virginia 1 1 以上 2
American University 1 以上 1
Clark University 1 以上 1
Colorado School of Mines 1 以上 1
Lehigh University 1 以上 1
Rutgers University 1 以上 1
Saint Louis University 1 以上 1
SUNY University at Binghamton 1 以上 1
University of California: Santa Barbara 2 1 以上 3
Tufts University 1 以上 1
Tulane University 1 以上 1
University of Colorado Boulder 1 以上 1
University of Connecticut 1 以上 1
University of Delaware 1 以上 1
University of Massachusetts Amherst 1 以上 1
University of Miami 1 以上 1
University of Minnesota: Twin Cities 1 以上 1
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1 以上 1
University of Rochester 1 以上 1
University of San Diego 1 以上 1
University of Texas at Austin 1 以上 1
University of Tulsa 1 以上 1
University of Washington 1 以上 1
University of California: Santa Cruz 2 1 以上 3
University of California: San Diego 2 1 以上 3
Boston University 2 1 以上 3
Michigan State University 2 1 以上 3
Brown University 1 1
Carnegie Mellon University 1 1
Case Western Reserve University 2 2
Columbia University 1 1 以上 2
Cornell University 1 1 以上 2
Dartmouth College 2 1 以上 3
Drexel University 1 1 以上 2
Duke University 2 1 以上 3
Emory University 2 1 以上 3
Fordham University 2 1 以上 3
George Washington University 1 1 以上 2
Georgetown University 1 1 以上 2
Johns Hopkins University 2 2
Loyola University Chicago 2 2
New York University 2 1 以上 3
University of California: Los Angeles 2 1 以上 3
Northeastern University 2 1 以上 3
Northwestern University 2 1 以上 3
Ohio State University: Columbus Campus 1 1 以上 2
Penn State University Park 2 1 以上 3
Princeton University 1 1 以上 2
Purdue University 2 1 以上 3
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 1 以上 2
Rice University 1 1
Southern Methodist University 2 1 以上 3
Stanford University 1 1 以上 2
Syracuse University 2 1 以上 3
University of California: Berkeley 2 1 以上 3
University of California: Davis 2 1 以上 3
University of California: Irvine 2 1 以上 3
University of Wisconsin-Madison 1 以上 1
Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2017-2018 2014-2017 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 10 7
Barnard College 1 1 以上 2
Bryn Mawr College 1 1 以上 2
Bucknell University 1 1
Claremont McKenna College 2 2
Pomona College 1 1
Swarthmore College 1 1 以上 2
United States Naval Academy 1 1
Wellesley College 1 1
Williams College 1 1 以上 2
Occidental College 1 以上 1
Washington and Lee University 1 以上 1
Whitman College 1 以上 1
Chương trình AP
( 18)
( 7)
( 44)

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Chi phí sinh hoạt Cao hơn mức trung bình 0%