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■ NICHE网站评级A+,全美寄宿学校排名第47名  ■  学校位于德克萨斯州休斯顿市的西部能源走廊地区,大休斯顿地区唯一寄宿学校,当地学生家长大多来自于航空航天(NASA)、医疗、能源行业 ■  提供ESL课程,美国高中课,11门荣誉课程,50门IB课程 ■ STEAM理科课程突出,与麻省理工MIT合作研发课程及活动,并与欧洲量子研究组织CERN合作,为学生提供提供参观实习机会 ■ 与沃顿商学院合作开设创业家(Entrepreneur)课程 ■ 高中阶段为学生提供假期实习,与当地众多知名企业,研究所,医院和非营利组织等机构合作 ■  校内宿舍,全部为双人间,全封闭式管理,更加安全 ■  学校在足球和篮球方面表现突出,足球多次获得德州州冠军,毕业生Isiah Taylor进入休斯顿火箭队成为职业NBA球员 ■  优异的大学录取,高比例进入理工科名校,9年级开始升学指导规划
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The Village School The Village School The Village School The Village School The Village School The Village School The Village School
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Nội trú 7-12
1552 students
50 IB Courses
N/A advanced degree
1:15 teacher/students
Ranking College Students
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Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2016-2017 2016 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 52 21
Stanford University 1 fs.matriculate 1
Northeastern University 1 以上 1
Washington University in St. Louis 3 fs.matriculate 1 以上 4
Boston College 2 fs.matriculate 2
Drexel University 1 以上 1
Boston University 1 以上 1
Indiana University Bloomington 1 以上 1
Michigan State University 1 以上 1
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 以上 1
University of Southern California 1 fs.matriculate 1
Southern Methodist University 1 以上 1
SUNY University at Buffalo 1 以上 1
Texas A&M University 1 以上 1
University of Colorado Boulder 1 以上 1
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1 以上 1
University of Texas at Austin 1 以上 1
Vanderbilt University 1 fs.matriculate 1
University of Pennsylvania 1 fs.matriculate 1
Case Western Reserve University 1 fs.matriculate 1
Lehigh University 1 fs.matriculate 1
Cornell University 1 fs.matriculate 1
Dartmouth College 1 fs.matriculate 1
Emory University 2 fs.matriculate 2
Georgia Institute of Technology 4 fs.matriculate 1 以上 5
Harvard College 1 fs.matriculate 1 以上 2
Johns Hopkins University 1 fs.matriculate 1 以上 2
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 fs.matriculate 1 以上 2
University of California: Santa Barbara 2 fs.matriculate 2
New York University 2 fs.matriculate 2
Rice University 3 fs.matriculate 1 以上 4
Carnegie Mellon University 2 fs.matriculate 2
University of California: Berkeley 6 fs.matriculate 1 以上 7
University of California: Davis 1 fs.matriculate 1
University of California: Los Angeles 4 fs.matriculate 4
University of California: San Diego 10 fs.matriculate 1 以上 11
University of Tulsa 1 以上 1
Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2016-2017 2016 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 3 2
Skidmore College 1 fs.matriculate 1
Wellesley College 2 fs.matriculate 1 以上 3
Trinity College 1 以上 1
Chương trình IB
( 50)
( 15)
( 46)
( 20)
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