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Academic A
Activities B
Review A-
Westover is a selective boarding school of about 200 girls, grades 9-12, located in a classic New England town near New York City.We prepare our students to meet the challenges of the world and the world's best colleges.
Westover School | FindingSchool
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Nội trú 9-12
204 students
20% internal student
28 AP Courses
SAT 1805/2400
65% advanced degree
1:8 teacher/students
Ranking College Students
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Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 20 23 20 23 27
American University 1 1 以上 1 3
Boston College 1 1 2
University of Minnesota: Twin Cities 1 以上 1
University of Pennsylvania 1 以上 1 1 3
University of Pittsburgh 1 以上 1
University of Vermont 1 以上 4 2 1 8
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1 以上 2 1 1 5
New York University 3 1 1 5
Washington University in St. Louis 1 2 3
Brown University 1 1
University of Massachusetts Amherst 1 以上 1
University of Delaware 1 1 2
University of Michigan 1 1
College of William and Mary 1 1
Georgetown University 1 1
University of Denver 1 1
University of Rochester 1 1
University of Virginia 1 1
Wake Forest University 1 1
University of Miami 1 以上 1 2
University of Chicago 1 以上 1
Boston University 2 1 以上 1 1 5
Tufts University 1 1 以上 1 1 4
Brandeis University 1 2 3
Carnegie Mellon University 1 3 4
Cornell University 1 1 以上 2 1 1 6
Duke University 1 1
Emory University 1 1 2
Northeastern University 3 1 以上 2 1 1 8
Purdue University 1 1 2
Syracuse University 1 1 以上 1 3
University of California: Los Angeles 1 1
Texas Christian University 1 以上 1 2
University of Connecticut 5 1 以上 2 1 9
Case Western Reserve University 1 以上 1 2
Clark University 1 以上 1
Drexel University 1 以上 1 2
Fordham University 1 以上 1 1 3
George Washington University 1 以上 2 1 4
Johns Hopkins University 1 以上 1 2
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 以上 1 1 3
Yale University 1 1
Số lượng học sinh Matriculation
Xếp hạng Trường đại học 2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 Tổng số
Tất cả các trường 7 13 7 8 18
Claremont McKenna College 1 1
University of Richmond 1 以上 1 2
Swarthmore College 1 1
Haverford College 1 1
Colby College 1 1
Bates College 1 1
Wellesley College 1 1 2
Mount Holyoke College 1 1 2
Bryn Mawr College 1 1
Barnard College 1 1 2
Amherst College 1 1
Lafayette College 1 1 2
Gettysburg College 1 1 2
Davidson College 2 2
College of the Holy Cross 1 1
Wesleyan University 1 以上 1 2
Union College 1 以上 1
Oberlin College 1 1
Bucknell University 1 以上 1 1 3
Smith College 1 1 2
Union College 1 1
United States Military Academy 1 1
Vassar College 1 1
Williams College 1 1
Bard College 1 以上 1 2
Connecticut College 1 以上 1 1 3
Trinity College 1 以上 1
Dickinson College 1 以上 1 1 3
Franklin & Marshall College 1 以上 1
Hamilton College 1 以上 1
Middlebury College 1 以上 1 2
Occidental College 1 以上 1
Skidmore College 1 以上 1 1 3
Whitman College 1 1
Chương trình AP
( 28)
Xem tất cả
( 12)
Xem tất cả
( 23)
( 30)
Art Club
Bible Study
Class Community Service Reps
Coagess (Yearbook)
Art Club
Bible Study
Class Community Service Reps
Coagess (Yearbook)
Drama Club
Environmental Action
French Club
Glee Club
Global Voices (International Student Newspaper)
Heads of School
Instrument Ensembles
Jewish Association
Lantern (School Art & Poetry Magazine)
Latin Club
Meals and Nutritions
Model United Nations
Overtones (a capella singing group)
Peer Support
Photography Club
Spanish Club
Student Academic Committee
Student Council
Wests and Overs
Wick (School Newspaper)
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Chi phí sinh hoạt Cao hơn mức trung bình 0%
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