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Chương trình AP
Chương trình AP (Advanced Placement) gồm 30 môn nâng cao tự chọn thuộc 7 nhóm. Kết quả thi AP tốt có thể giúp học sinh được miễn tín chỉ đại học tương ứng.
Chương trình IB
IB (International Baccalaureate) là chương trình giáo dục quốc tế chất lượng cao do IBO triển khai. Chương trình IB chú trọng đào tạo công dân toàn cầu với sự phát triển toàn diện và năng lực sáng tạo với 6 nhóm môn và 3 cấu phần cốt lõi.
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B 5.0 (5 Bình luận)
Thornton Academy is a co-educational, private boarding and day school serving grades 6–12. Located on Maine's southern coast, in the city of Saco, we are one of the nation's longest-operating independent schools. Thornton's commitment to excellence enables students to reach their full potential and flourish in a changing world. We offer a safe and secure family environment where every student can find his or her place. Here, students are free to express their own individual ideas, cultures, and dreams, and all students benefit from our unique campus environment and its global perspective.
$46,000 Maine, Mỹ 1600 học sinh
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B 4.2 (13 Bình luận)
Located in the Lakes Region of central New Hampshire, Tilton School is a private boarding school serving student from 9th to 12th grade and post-graduate. With a small student body and dedicated staff, Tilton's faculty is involved in students' lives unlike any other school. Our programs and community are geared towards challenging our students to embrace and navigate a world marked by diversity and change. We embrace the unique attributes each student brings to the table and help them push their own boundaries, tap into their potential, and prepare for a full and rewarding life. Facilities include the Memorial Athletic and Recreation Center (MARC), Daley Creative Arts Center, Plimpton Hall, Skinner Tower, Hamilton Hall - The Rome Theater, Lucian Hunt Library, MacMorran Field House and Hockey Rink, Burch Field (outdoor turf field).
$58,925 New Hampshire, Mỹ 250 học sinh
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B 4.5 (6 Bình luận)
Villanova Preparatory School was founded in 1924 as a Catholic school in the Augustinian tradition. Villanova is a college preparatory, co-educational, day and boarding school where cultural, ethnic and socioeconomic diversity are welcomed and embraced. Villanova employs 30 faculty along with administration and support staff to provide an outstanding community-based education for its students. Of the faculty and administration, 85% possess an advanced degree or California credential. The student-teacher ratio is 10:1, with an average class size of 16. The total enrollment is just under 300, with approximately 70% day and 30% boarding.
$58,000 California, Mỹ 241 học sinh
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B 5.0 (7 Bình luận)
一百四十多年前,麦克米兰先生以其对教育的独到见解和远见卓识,独具慧眼,选中了Mt. Pleasant这一环境优美、幽静、安全的西部小镇作为这所后来日渐壮大的犹他州唯一的大学预备寄宿学校的所在地。在这里,学生们平日专注于学术追求;而到了周末,丰富的野外活动设施和近在咫尺的国家公园便成了他们挥洒青春、释放能量的舞台。 从建校伊始,瓦萨奇学院的定位从来就不是竞争异常激烈的所谓“顶尖”、“精英”学校,而是致力于培育完整健全人格,为大学输送快乐、友善、健康、自信的全面发展的优秀学生。 对于学术成绩优异的学生,瓦萨奇学院有足够具有挑战性的课程、无与伦比的课外活动机会以及细致入微的个性化的升学指导,帮助他们成功进入心仪的学校继续深造。每一年都有相当数量的毕业生被名校/藤校录取,包括普林斯顿、哈佛、耶鲁、麻省理工、芝加哥大学、剑桥、牛津等世界名校。 对于具有体育、音乐、艺术、计算机等兴趣和专长的学生,瓦萨奇学院所能够提供的支持和机会更是在同类学校中首屈一指,令许多“顶尖”私立高中都自叹不如。例如,犹他州第一、全美前五(根据MaxPreps)的篮球队;利用学校自己的滑雪场设施以及美国滑雪队在帕克城的卓越训练中心的超一流训练设施全力打造的全美绝对领先的高中雪上竞技项目;2019年8月新成立的现代音乐中心汇聚和整合了全美顶级音乐资源,包括茱莉亚音乐学院和伯克利音乐学院的教授和课程支持、全美顶级音乐表演培训机构Soundhouse的全力支持与合作等等;全美最佳演讲、辩论和模拟联合国团队;为有艺术专长的学生提供专业指导和实践机会的先进的视觉艺术中心;为爱好计算机、机器人、火箭等的学生提供探索现代科技的创新技术中心大楼和新落成的工程中心大楼;拥有室内和室外跑马场和40多匹骏马的马术设施,等等。 瓦萨奇学院最为关注的、也是最为自豪的,就是帮助每一个学生成功,开心、自信地做最好的自己。
$59,900 Utah, Mỹ 340 học sinh
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Washington Academy has a rich heritage focused on success for the individual. Located on a newly renovated campus in a safe, coastal community in Maine, the Academy has a student/teacher ratio of 11:1 and extensive offerings in art; music; math; science; digital video editing,Coastal Studies and Outdoor Leadership. The Academy prides itself on a caring faculty and unique courses in boat building and culinary arts. Other offerings include AP and honors classes, athletics, certified nursing assistant course and theater. The school offers both boys' and girls' dormitories as well as host family placement.
$39,500 Maine, Mỹ 400 học sinh
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B 5.0 (7 Bình luận)
Wayland is a traditional college-preparatory school proudly rooted in its Midwestern heritage. Our Mentor Program, the arts, community service, leadership and other co-curricular opportunities augment solid academics. Diverse cultural and recreational activities abound in nearby Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago, as well as "outdoor Wisconsin" and travel abroad. From our pleasant and comfortable campus, Wayland graduates move on to study across the US and internationally, many to universities distinguished by their selectivity.
$53,030 Wisconsin, Mỹ 184 học sinh
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B 4.0 (3 Bình luận)
Founded in 1744, West Nottingham is the oldest boarding school in the nation! WNA is co-educational, serving 130 students in grades 9-12. Approximately 70% of our students board, with about 40% of our population from around the globe. Dedicated to the intellectual and social growth of each student, WNA is an intimate yet diverse community providing differentiated instruction and intensive subject exploration. At West Nottingham, the International Student program is a carefully designed program that provides international students with a variety of supports. Beginning with a new international student orientation, international students enjoy a comprehensive program that covers all areas of school life. Students who are not yet fully ready to enter the full college-preparatory curriculum enroll in a rigorous, immersion-based environment for learning English with other international students through formal ESL communications classes. Classes for intermediate and advanced levels, as well as an ESL History courses, are offered. Students enjoy close monitoring from the Director of International Students, regular parent communication, and seminars to facilitate adjustment. Additional services for international students include college advising, residential life support and supervision, and TOEFL and SAT preparation. With a "physics-first" philosophy, West Nottingham Academy is also proud of the Humanities class which is offered to all 9th-graders, a strong Art department (complemented by an Artist-in-Residence Program), close to a 12 AP courses, a focus on service learning and competitive athletics. Nestled just off of Interstate 95 close to the Susquehanna River and the tip of the Chesapeake Bay, West Nottingham's beautiful campus is within an hour's drive of Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Wilmington, under two hours from Washington DC and 2.5 hours from New York City.
$57,800 Maryland, Mỹ 105 học sinh
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B 2.8 (5 Bình luận)
At The Winchendon School, we teach in the American style. We are guided by real-world learning where students lead discussions and debate questions in the American entrepreneurial tradition. Our Signature Programs reflect this commitment. Internships and Entrepreneurship Students have two opportunities a year to pursue a graded internship. Whether interning in business in London, UK or working in an internship studying gravitational waves at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), students are actively engaged in their learning. Internships in high school help students stand out on college applications.
$60,000 Massachusetts, Mỹ 285 học sinh
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Founded in 1946 by the Brothers of Holy Cross, Gilmour is an independent, Catholic, coed, college-preparatory school offering a Montessori (18 months - Kindergarten) program and a Lower School, Middle School and Upper School. Located on 144 acres in Gates Mills, Ohio, Gilmour has a total enrollment of 636 students, which includes young men and women in grades 9-12, and a limited number of postgraduate students each year. Resident students compose 16 percent of our Upper School student body and represent 14 states and 10 foreign countries. Gilmour admits students of any race, color, religion, gender, and national and ethnic origin.
$46,200 Ohio, Mỹ 640 học sinh
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B 4.3 (8 Bình luận)
The Northwest School offers a rigorous, college-preparatory program with a cross-disciplinary curriculum. Courses in the humanities, mathematics, science, languages, and arts are required at all times. The school has a uniquely international character: the fact that 16% of its population comes from abroad gives students a truly global perspective. Regular participation in environment teams, which clean the historic building and grounds, and in the outdoor program, which offers trips throughout the region, teach responsibility and respect for the environment. Students graduate from the Upper School with a true liberal arts education. The academic core is a three-year survey of human society from prehistory through present day. Learning to analyze history from political, economic, social, religious, and artistic perspectives lays the foundation for college-level electives in the senior year. The school has a uniquely international character: the fact that 16% of its population comes from abroad gives students a truly global perspective. Regular participation in environment teams, which clean the historic building and grounds, and in the outdoor program, which offers trips throughout the region, teach responsibility and respect for the environment. Students graduate from the Upper School with a true liberal arts education. The academic core is a three-year survey of human society from prehistory through present day. Learning to analyze history from political, economic, social, religious, and artistic perspectives lays the foundation for college-level electives in the senior year. The daily presence of international students from more than 12 countries creates a global perspective for our whole community and makes our population unique among Seattle-area schools. International students who receive ESL support are gradually integrated into more courses with American students each year. Physical education, sports teams, arts courses, class trips, the Environment Program and the Outdoor Program offer additional chances for interaction.
$41,185 Washington, Mỹ 508 học sinh
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Oak Grove Secondary School offers a challenging, integrated, inquiry-based college preparatory experience for 7th through 12th grade students. Oak Grove is set on a 150-acre campus in the coastal mountains of the Ojai Valley. The school offers 5-day boarding to mature 7th and 8th grade students and full boarding for high school students. Boarders at Oak Grove enjoy a family-style atmosphere, vegetarian food, art facilities, recording studio, computer labs, an outdoor educational program and an ESL immersion program.
$43,355 California, Mỹ 64 học sinh
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B 4.0 (5 Bình luận)
St. Bernard is a small school located in north central Alabama. Sponsored by the Benedictine monks of St. Bernard Abbey, the school strives to develop the whole person in each student: body, mind, and spirit. Through rigorous academics, a wide variety of athletics, and a broad array of extracurricular activities each person becomes a well-rounded individual. As a college preparatory school, this development prepares all of our students to excel in the college environment. Our last graduating class of 23 was offerred $3.5 Million in scholarship offers, showing how colleges seek our graduates.
$39,750 Alabama, Mỹ 163 học sinh
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TMP-M is a Catholic, coeducational, boarding and day school offering spiritual direction, challenging academics, and extracurricular activities. Programs are designed to prepare young people at the secondary level for leadership and service as Christians in the modern world. TMP-Marian traditions include: Standard of Excellence awards and a 32-year history of National Merit Scholars. Each year over 80% of our graduates receive many scholarships to universities and colleges. Located in a safe, peaceful community, TMP-M offers an extended family to students from all over the world at a very affordable price! With a total of 240 students, (175 local and 65 international) students experience learning in a diverse atmosphere and prepare for their future in an environment much like the world they will encounter when they are adults. TMP-M is a place where individuals are celebrated. It's a place where young people learn to serve others. A place where students thrive. Two separate dormitories are located minutes from our main campus. Marian Hall is the girls dorm. It features both private and semi-private rooms, a computer lab, recreation/workout room, kitchen facilities and a chapel. The boys dorm is Nations Hall with semi-private rooms, dinning room, living room and recreation room. Weekend activities are planned to entertain and challenge the resident students. An annual skiing trip in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is included in the yearly cost and many more opportunities are provided to assist the students in preparing for their future. TMP-M is a TOEFL testing center and wireless internet services are available at both dorms and on campus. Thomas More Prep - Marian welcomes you to find out more about us. We welcome new students each semester. Come be a part of the wonderful "Monarch Family", Come see why we say, TMP-Marian, give us four years and we'll give you a lifetime.
$28,000 Kansas, Mỹ 384 học sinh
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Founded in 1858, Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart is an independent Catholic college preparatory day and boarding school. We strive to prepare young women to be academically strong, successful, caring, motivated leaders. Our diverse community of 170 includes students from the Chicago area, from across the country and from around the world. They come to Woodlands Academy to be part of a focused environment in which girls can discover and cultivate their gifts, talents and critical thinking skills while developing into compassionate, confident leaders of the future.
$51,400 Illinois, Mỹ 135 học sinh
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B 5.0 (1 Bình luận)
Fontbonne Academy, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, is a Catholic, college preparatory high school for young women. Mission Fontbonne Academy fosters Gospel values and educational excellence. This inclusive community embraces diversity in many forms. Through the values of respect, responsibility, reconciliation and reverence, Fontbonne Academy promotes growth in spirituality, scholarship, and leadership of young women in the changing world.
$15,600 Massachusetts, Mỹ 335 học sinh
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B 5.0 (1 Bình luận)
Matignon High School is an independent,co-educational, college preparatory Catholic high school founded in 1945. As such we are committed to teaching and promoting Catholic morality and principles, academic excellence, respect for oneself and others, and service to the community. Ninety-seven percent of our graduates continue to further their education in college. More than 25% of our student body is non-Catholic. Matignon is proud to serve a small, yet vibrant international community of students representing several countries. We draw students from 30 cities and towns in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
$8,000 Massachusetts, Mỹ 462 học sinh
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Our Mission is to provide for the spiritual, intellectual, and technological needs of the students, instill in the students an awareness of their relationship with the Creator, the world, and its inhabitants, offer a strong core curriculum based on traditional disciplines which fosters an interdisciplinary approach to learning, encourage courageous, compassionate, articulate women who believe that life has a purpose, who are able to discern the "good," and who will be an effective force for it in the world.
$暂无数据 Massachusetts, Mỹ 205 học sinh
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B 3.5 (3 Bình luận)
we combine exceptionally high-quality teaching with a deep understanding of our students and their personal needs. We do this in a welcoming and enriching environment, a home-from-home where students are free to develop their potential both academically and personally. Our students are taught by outstanding teachers and supported by a talented welfare and support team who are experienced at nurturing and guiding international pupils so that every student fulfils their potential within the American educational system.
$56,900 Massachusetts, Mỹ 445 học sinh
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B 4.0 (1 Bình luận)
Whitinsville Christian School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and is a member of Christian Schools International. Founded in 1928 with a student body of approximately 550 students in grades pre-K through 12, WCS is located in the town of Northbridge, midway between Worcester, MA and Providence, RI. The K-12 student body draws from 43 towns and 85 area churches in MA, RI and CT and currently has 21 full-time international students as well as a short-term international program which included 19 students last school year.
$13,650 Massachusetts, Mỹ 632 học sinh
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B 3.7 (6 Bình luận)
To offer our community a non-denominational "school of excellence" providing a Biblically based education. The educational experience at BCHS will seek to develop each student's mind, body and spirit to his/her fullest potential through challenging course work, state of the art technology, visual and performing arts, competitive athletics, and spiritual training by a select group of Christian teachers and coaches. Students who attend BCHS will be encouraged to become successful Christ-centered citizens through the study and application of God's Word.
$12,394 California, Mỹ 488 học sinh
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